Monday, April 13, 2015

Breeding the Spawn

Hi - just a quick update to let my 4 readers know that I have recently procreated and am taking an involuntary break from regular Warmachine play for at least a few months time. If you're interested in hearing me rage about the new Croak unit or how the Sacral Vault has literally 6 billion candles, you'll have to check back in a few months time!

Happy Festivus!


  1. Congrats. Enjoy yourself, toddlers are fun they just have a slightly maddening baby cycle first!

  2. Awww.... I was all excited to hear about your impressions and suppositions on the croak raiders.

    Best of lucks for your spawn!

  3. Congratulations, oh Most Salty and Embittered One. Surely the complete lack of sleep and the removal of any remaining shred of sanity you have left, the unenviably bless of having a small human, shall only further increase the sheer entertainment that is your rambling diatribes.

  4. I have twins too mate, its hardwork but a lot of fun! Enjoy your time with them

  5. Glad for you! Hope it all goes well! Come back in July when the Croaks are released!

  6. Maybe they will grow into Warmahordes players. I have two boys, and one of them at eight years old is very interested. Good Luck and Congratulations!
